4 Video Elements That Should Come Last in Your Priority List When Pitching For a Video Project

In video creation, there are many important elements that when combined, results in a very successful quality production. But all of them are pointless if the story-line is not good.

In this, I mean the script. It has to be very easy to understand. From here, when creating the video, you can incorporate other elements that you see necessary to spice it up and make it appealing.


While many newbie video creators think that Video resolution, audio quality, video effects, sound effects, and video format are necessary, it doesn’t beat how the video script is written.

In this blogpost, I will focus on 4 video elements that should come last in your priority list when pitching for a project in video production.

Video Resolution

Don’t get me wrong on this, video resolution do matter especially in this day and age. Most young people own 50+ inches Television sets that are able to stream 4K to even 8K resolution videos. With this said, before any production, one should look at reasons they are producing the video as well as the behavior of their target audiences.

black video camera
Photo by CoWomen on Pexels.com

In 2020, across the globe, 4K video resolution or higher is still a luxury to many as a lot of people watch videos on their mobile phones in HD. Secondly, It takes time to produce videos of this quality and uses a lot of data when streaming.

Additionally, if 80% of the targeted audiences will watch the video on their mobile phones and PC’s, it will be pointless to produce it in 4K.

So, it makes sense to weigh options and consider HD video as the best option in order to save time and money.

Finally on the same note, if the video is being published on Youtube, it’s worth to note that video resolution is only used as the keyword to filter content when searching. It thus means that, even if the video quality is say, 4k, and the storyline is poor, the viewer will opt out early.

Sound and Visual Fx

Hollywood movies are good at this. They know how to blend it with the story. But if the story-line is not good, sound and visual Fx would not do much.

low angle view of lighting equipment on shelf
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Ever watched a movie and after 15 mins you still wondering what the movie is all about? That’s what I am talking about. Sound and Visual effects might be good, but if the story is poor, it won’t bring the value desired.

Variety of Shots

Variety of shots are good. I can compare it with the spices added on food to taste. Sadly, some spices don’t work on some food. For the spices to blend well, the right procedure has to be followed when preparing the meal.

This is same with video. A variety of shots with a poorly written script will result in a very poor video output. While this is important, again, it is never a first priority when planning a production.


Casts are people appearing on a video. Now, beauty and sex sells. That is a fact. Incorporating this on any video will create a lot of traction. But you need to ask yourself; how can I create scenes that makes it possible for every character in my imagination to appear on the video?

Young audiences enjoy watching clips with beautiful girls until they realize they are being duped into watching it because of the amount of skin the girls are exposing. It’s here that they are awakened to identify the value they are getting from watching the video.

Again, this means that the story-line or script is the King.

In conclusion, every good video starts with a script and storyboard and then the rest follows based on your budget.

If you find this article helpful, let me know in the comments below. And if you need help to produce high quality video tutorials, let me know here.

You can send me an e-mail to connect@cheptiony.com

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow me on twitter @cheptiony