Why I Quit Freelancing On Upwork After 10 Years
I joined Upwork in the year 2011 when it was called Odesk. That was before it merged with Elance to form Upwork. I only had one mission, to find freelance work and attain financial freedom. I knew that if was financially sound, other things would fall in place like love, peace, patience, self control and…
3 Possible Ways To Invest Your Earned Income Online In Todays Economy
Many people who work and earn their income online struggle a lot with one thing; choosing the right investment vehicle for their earned income. Am not left out on this. I too struggle.
3 Ways To Reinforce Your Creativity During Difficult Times
People in the creative economy depend on their original ideas and knowledge to thrive. During hard economic times, one can easily get discouraged from continuing to do what they love. If you enjoy doing what you do, then you have no reason to give up.
Frugality For Success in Business: Steps To Getting Started
Frugality is a virtue needed by every entrepreneur from the word go. Otherwise, they will waste a lot of their time wondering why their businesses are not breaking even despite putting in a lot of hard work.
Do Scammers Play A Role in The Evolution of Online Ecosystems?
When you hear the word Scam, what comes to your mind? Is it the money you lost to con men and con women who called you, or is it the work you did via a website you signed up on with the hope of getting payment and ended not getting paid.
Is Freelancing Online A Lucrative Career?
This is a common question that many people wanting to pursue a career freelancing online today ask. Having been a freelancer for now 10 years, is freelancing truly a lucrative career? The answer to this question is an affirmative yes. Now the success that everyone is looking for lies on how you pursue it.
How To Tap Into The Power Within You
We all have the power we need to do and achieve all things we need for ourselves in life. The problem is, many of us either don’t know how to tap on this power or they believe it comes from other people and not within themselves.
3 Things To Do In 2023 That Can Potentially Change Your Life
Have you ever sat down for a minute and wondered what’s preventing from succeeding in life despite having access to everything that you need in order to succeed? If you haven’t, it’s high time you do it now.
5 Freelance Platforms That Are Safe And Secure To Work On in 2023
Online freelancing has been on a steady rise in the past decade and it’s showing no sign of stopping. According to industry studies, the worldwide freelance market is estimated to be worth $1.5 trillion in 2022.
6 Types of Content To Market A Business Online Today
Search engines rank business online based on several factors. Biggest among them is content. If you are able to share your message in different content formats, then you rank higher.