Creative video ideas for your business

Video Marketing: 5 Creative Video Ideas for Your Business

Today, YouTube stands as a dominant search engine, with TikTok and Instagram also serving as significant platforms. The extensive user base and high search traffic make video an unparalleled marketing medium. Regardless of the industry, leveraging video is now a critical strategy for promoting products in the digital marketplace.
The initial step can often be the most challenging. Many hesitate to produce original content due to a fear of failure, while some delay due to the expenses associated with video production.

However, are these concerns sufficient to prevent someone from utilizing video content as a marketing tool for their business? It’s important to note that platforms like YouTube and other social media networks offer free content publishing opportunities.

In this article, I will share with you 5 types of content that you can create about your business for very small initial investments. Remember that you can create more effective content when you hire a professional content developer to help you. I highly recommend this based on my long term experience in the media business.

Why Hire A Professional Content producer Yet You Can Do Everything?

Many people underestimate the ‘creative process’ and ends up wanting to do everything from preproduction to postproduction alone in order to cut costs. When starting, you can go this path if you don’t have money to hire an extra hand to help. But if you have small budget that you can spare to hire someone to help you with shooting the video and editing, you better do so from the beginning and retain that person for as long as you are working on video marketing content. This way, you will have enough time to brainstorm on ideas for your next video. Selling is a craft. We sell everyday. We sell value. Without a well thought and organized process in video marketing, you will have rough time selling despite creating high quality video content. With this said, lets now talk about the type of videos you can create about your business.

Talking Head Videos

Videos featuring a ‘talking head’ are highly effective for narrative purposes. In this style, the individual on screen (you) is captured in a medium shot, close-up, or long shot while addressing the camera. This approach is frequently employed in news segments, particularly during speeches or expert interviews. In the realm of video marketing, the presenter may opt to either recite a pre-written script or spontaneously narrate a story related to the topic at hand.

This is very ideal when starting to work on content for your business. Irrespective of if you are using a camera or phone to record the video, make sure that the audio is clear. Invest in a good lapel microphone.

Also, if you hire a professional to help, it will be cheaper since all the equipment’s they will be using will be yours. So, in this case, you are hiring labor and professional guide since the same person will be working on editing the video.

Crafting your inaugural video narrative with care ensures a seamless flow that captivates your audience. Introducing your business starts with introducing the person behind it – you. When viewers connect with the founder’s story, it fosters a deeper trust and engagement with the brand. Smile and let your passion shine through; it’s the first step to building a loyal community around your business.

Drama/Comedy Videos

Drama and comedy videos are very popular niches today online. Did you know that you can use drama and comedy to market your business?

Let’s take a local mechanic who runs a bustling motor repair shop. This savvy fixer-upper can craft tales or reenact customer encounters right in the heart of their workshop. They’re not just about wrenches and oil stains; they’ve got a treasure trove of side-splitting anecdotes from under the hood. And while they’re sharing these comedic gems, they can cleverly weave in their shop’s name and whereabouts, ensuring their garage becomes the talk of the town.

As their garage gains recognition, an increasing number of customers will seek out their services. Producing this kind of video content may initially require a significant investment, including hiring actors and a producer. However, the enduring benefits of regularly creating such content can be substantial.

Video Tutorials

We have 3 types of video tutorials namely; Screencast video tutorials, camera recorded video tutorials and animated video tutorials. Video tutorials can be produced for any kind of business. You just choose the type of video tutorial ideal for your business.

Screencast tutorials capture a phone or computer’s screen activity to demonstrate the use of websites, applications, or software. These instructional videos are particularly beneficial for vendors promoting software-related products, providing a visual and practical guide for potential users.

Tutorials captured on camera provide visual guidance for utilizing hardware or tangible products, such as computer parts. For instance, they can demonstrate the process of upgrading your computer by installing additional memory.

Animated tutorials are videos that show how things work using character animations.

Tutorial videos serve as an excellent educational tool, providing step-by-step guidance on various tasks. They are particularly effective because they demonstrate the process visually, making it easier for viewers to learn and retain information.

To maximize the impact of your tutorial video, it’s beneficial to conclude with a compelling call to action that ties in with your business, offering a solution to the issue addressed in the video. This not only reinforces the lesson but also connects the viewer with your services, which can address their specific needs.

Creating a single video won’t suffice if you’re aiming for impactful results; consistent video content is key to maintaining relevance. Should you find yourself uncertain about segmenting one video into multiple engaging pieces, seeking guidance from a video marketing expert could be greatly beneficial.

AI Assisted Videos

AI-assisted videos are productions crafted with the support of artificial intelligence, where every step of the creation is overseen by humans. This involves utilizing AI to develop scripts that resonate with your specific market. Following script completion, an AI-powered text-to-speech tool lends its voice for the narration.

From here you can either generate image and videos using AI software or you can purchase royalty free photos and videos online. There are many websites online today offering free photos and videos that anyone can use.

Creating videos can be surprisingly simple yet challenging, as it requires vigilance. Artificial Intelligence utilizes pre-existing content to craft new information. Hence, it’s essential to shape your content around a unique concept of your own.

Documentary/Feature Stories

Documentaries serve as a powerful medium for marketing products and services. They are particularly effective when you’re providing a service that impacts numerous individuals or narrates the transformation over a certain period. To communicate your message effectively, utilizing a documentary format can be the most compelling approach.

While documentary is deemed expensive, you may want to consider it if you you want to achieve the results you are looking for.

There’s no need for a frequent video production schedule. Consider creating a video monthly, every quarter, twice a year, or even yearly. A compelling narrative can significantly accelerate the achievement of your objectives.


In the realm of marketing videos, a plethora of styles and concepts await your exploration. Initiating the process is often the most daunting hurdle. Begin with a single approach and gauge its effectiveness. Should it fall short, don’t hesitate to switch gears and experiment with alternative methods until you discover the perfect fit for your vision.

Are you seeking assistance with any aspect of production, such as videography, video editing, or directing? I’m here to offer my expertise. To get in touch, please click here. Expect a reply from me within a few hours.

And that’s it.

Up until next time, bye bye and take care. Follow me on all social media networks @cheptionymutai.